Generate profile for the given program
Generate profile for the given program
Translated and reviewed by
Andi Chandler
Located in
path to profiles
path to profiles
Translated and reviewed by
Andi Chandler
Located in
../aa-genprof:57 ../aa-logprof:25 ../aa-cleanprof:24 ../aa-mergeprof:34
../aa-autodep:25 ../aa-audit:25 ../aa-complain:24 ../aa-enforce:24
path to logfile
path to logfile
Translated and reviewed by
Andi Chandler
Located in
../aa-genprof:58 ../aa-logprof:26
name of program to profile
name of program to profile
Translated and reviewed by
Andi Chandler
Located in
The logfile %s does not exist. Please check the path
The logfile %s does not exist. Please check the path
Translated and reviewed by
Andi Chandler
Located in
../aa-genprof:69 ../aa-logprof:37
It seems AppArmor was not started. Please enable AppArmor and try again.
It seems AppArmor was not started. Please enable AppArmor and try again.
Translated and reviewed by
Andi Chandler
Located in
../aa-genprof:75 ../aa-logprof:43 ../aa-unconfined:36
%s is not a directory.
%s is not a directory.
Translated and reviewed by
Andi Chandler
Located in
../aa-genprof:80 ../aa-mergeprof:47
Can't find %(profiling)s in the system path list. If the name of the application
is correct, please run 'which %(profiling)s' as a user with correct PATH
environment set up in order to find the fully-qualified path and
use the full path as parameter.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Can't find %(profiling)s in the system path list. If the name of the application
is correct, please run 'which %(profiling)s' as a user with correct PATH
environment set up in order to find the fully-qualified path and
use the full path as parameter.
Translated and reviewed by
Andi Chandler
Located in
%s does not exists, please double-check the path.
%s does not exists, please double-check the path.
Translated and reviewed by
Andi Chandler
Located in
Before you begin, you may wish to check if a
profile already exists for the application you
wish to confine. See the following wiki page for
more information:
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Before you begin, you may wish to check if a
profile already exists for the application you
wish to confine. See the following wiki page for
more information:
Translated and reviewed by
Andi Chandler
Located in