Browsing Romanian translation

6 of 120 results

Dear %(partner_name)s,

We are disappointed to see that despite sending a reminder, that your account is now seriously overdue.

It is essential that immediate payment is made, otherwise we will have to consider placing a stop on your account which means that we will no longer be able to supply your company with (goods/services).
Please, take appropriate measures in order to carry out this payment in the next 8 days.

If there is a problem with paying invoice that we are not aware of, do not hesitate to contact our accounting department at (+32). so that we can resolve the matter quickly.

Details of due payments is printed below.

Best Regards,
module: account_followup
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.

Stimate %(nume_partener)s,

Suntem dezamagiti sa vedem ca, in ciuda faptului ca v-am trimis un memento, contul d-voastra este inca restant.

Este esential sa efectuati plata imediat, in caz contrar vom fi nevoiti sa punem oprire pe contul d-voastra ceea ce inseamna ca nu vom mai putea sa furnizam compania d-voastra cu (bunuri/servicii).
Va rugam sa luati masurile care se impun pentru a efectua plata in urmatoarele 8 zile.

Daca exista vreo problema cu plata facturii de care noi nu nu suntem constienti, nu ezitati sa contactati departamentul nostru contabil la (+32). astfel incat sa putem rezolva aceasta problema repede.

Detaliile referitoare la platile restante sunt tiparite mai jos.

Cu stima,
Translated by Fekete Mihai
Located in model:account_followup.followup.line,description:account_followup.demo_followup_line2
6 of 120 results

This translation is managed by OpenERP Romanian Team, assigned by Odoo Translators (MOVED TO TRANSIFEX).

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