Translations by Miguel Anxo Bouzada

Miguel Anxo Bouzada has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

801804 of 804 results
If you would like to play encrypted DVDs (see the legal note above), open the Dash and launch a <app>Terminal</app>.
Se desexa reproducir DVD cifrados (lea a nota legal anterior), abra eo «Dash» e inicie un <app>terminal</app>.
Improvements in the latest version of Ubuntu.
Melloras na última versión do Ubuntu.
New and improved features
Características novas e melloradas
This key can usually be found on the bottom-left of your keyboard, next to the <key>Alt</key> key, and usually has a window/squares icon on it. It is sometimes called the Windows key, logo key, or system key.
Esta tecla atopase normalmente na parte inferior esquerda do teclado, a carón da tecla <key>Alt</key>, e normalmente ten unha icona cunha xanela/cadrados nela. Ás veces chamáselle tecla Windows, tecla do logotipo ou tecla do sistema.