Translations by Iancu Vladi

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145 of 45 results
Welcome to Debian
Bine ati venit il lumea Debian
This chapter provides an overview of the Debian Project and &debian;. If you already know about the Debian Project's history and the &debian; distribution, feel free to skip to the next chapter.
Acest capitol este o introducere in Proiectul Debian si debian. Daca cunoasteti deja istoria Proiectului Debian si distributia debian, puteti sari peste acest capitol.
Debian Developers are involved in a variety of activities, including <ulink url="&url-debian-home;">Web</ulink> and <ulink url="&url-debian-ftp;">FTP</ulink> site administration, graphic design, legal analysis of software licenses, writing documentation, and, of course, maintaining software packages.
Dezvoltatorii Debian sunt implicati intr-o varietate de activitati, incluzand <ulink url="&url-debian-home;">Web</ulink> si administrarea site-urilor <ulink url="&url-debian-ftp;">FTP</ulink> , grafica, analiza legala a licentelor software, documentatie scrisa si, bineinteles, intretinant pachetele software.
The <ulink url="&url-social-contract;">Debian Social Contract</ulink> is a statement of Debian's commitments to the Free Software Community. Anyone who agrees to abide to the Social Contract may become a <ulink url="&url-new-maintainer;">maintainer</ulink>. Any maintainer can introduce new software into Debian &mdash; provided that the software meets our criteria for being free, and the package follows our quality standards.
<ulink url="&url-social-contract;">Contractul social Debian</ulink> este o marturisire a legamantului catre Comunitatea Software-ului Liber. Oricine care este de acord sa faca parte din acest Contract Social poate sa devina un <ulink url="&url-new-maintainer;">administrator</ulink>. Orice administrator poate introduce software nou in &mdash Debian; atat timp cat software-ul indeplineste conditia de a fi gratuit, iar pachetele sunt conform standardelor noastre de calitate.
The <ulink url="&url-dfsg;">Debian Free Software Guidelines</ulink> are a clear and concise statement of Debian's criteria for free software. The DFSG is a very influential document in the Free Software Movement, and was the foundation of the <ulink url="&url-osd;">The Open Source Definition</ulink>.
The <ulink url="&url-dfsg;">Debian Free Software Guidelines</ulink> sunt declaratii clare si concise legate de criteriile Debian asupra software-ului gratuit. DFSG-ul este un document foarte influentabil in Miscarea Software-ului Gratuit si a fost fundatia <ulink url="&url-osd;">Definitiei Open Source</ulink>.
The <ulink url="&url-debian-policy;">Debian Policy Manual</ulink> is an extensive specification of the Debian Project's standards of quality.
<ulink url="&url-debian-policy;">Debian Policy Manual</ulink> este o specificatie extensiva a standardului de calitate al Proiectului Debian.
Debian developers are also involved in a number of other projects; some specific to Debian, others involving some or all of the Linux community. Some examples include:
Dezvoltatorii Debian sunt de asemenea implicati in mai multe proiecte; unele sunt specifice Debian, altele implicand o parte sau toata comunitatea Linux. Cateva exemple sunt:
The <ulink url="&url-lsb-org;">Linux Standard Base</ulink> (LSB) is a project aimed at standardizing the basic GNU/Linux system, which will enable third-party software and hardware developers to easily design programs and device drivers for Linux-in-general, rather than for a specific GNU/Linux distribution.
<ulink url="&url-lsb-org;">Linux Standard Base</ulink> (LSB) este un proiect menit sa standardizeze bazele sistemului GNU/Linux, fapt ce va permite dezvoltatorilor de software si hardware sa creeze programe si drivere pentru componente mai usor pentru Linux in genera, decat pentru o distributie GNU/Linux specifica.
The <ulink url="&url-fhs-home;">Filesystem Hierarchy Standard</ulink> (FHS) is an effort to standardize the layout of the Linux file system. The FHS will allow software developers to concentrate their efforts on designing programs, without having to worry about how the package will be installed in different GNU/Linux distributions.
<ulink url="&url-fhs-home;">Filesystem Hierarchy Standard</ulink> (FHS) reprezinta un efort de a standardiza aspectul sistemului de fisiere Linux. FHS-ul permite dezvoltatorilor de soft sa isi concentreze eforturile pe creearea programelor, fara sa isi faca griji asupra modului in care pachetul va fi instalat pe o alta distributie GNU/Linux.
<ulink url="&url-debian-jr;">Debian Jr.</ulink> is an internal project, aimed at making sure Debian has something to offer to our youngest users.
<ulink url="&url-debian-jr;">Debian Jr.</ulink> este un proiect intern menit sa se asigure ca Debian are ceva de oferit utilizatorilor tineri.
For more general information about Debian, see the <ulink url="&url-debian-faq;">Debian FAQ</ulink>.
Pentru mai multe informatii despre DEbian, click pe <ulink url="&url-debian-faq;">Debian FAQ</ulink>.
Linux is an operating system: a series of programs that let you interact with your computer and run other programs.
Linux este un sistem de operare: o serie de programe care va lasa sa interactionati cu computerul dumneavoastra si sa rulati alte programe.
An operating system consists of various fundamental programs which are needed by your computer so that it can communicate and receive instructions from users; read and write data to hard disks, tapes, and printers; control the use of memory; and run other software. The most important part of an operating system is the kernel. In a GNU/Linux system, Linux is the kernel component. The rest of the system consists of other programs, many of which were written by or for the GNU Project. Because the Linux kernel alone does not form a working operating system, we prefer to use the term <quote>GNU/Linux</quote> to refer to systems that many people casually refer to as <quote>Linux</quote>.
Un sistem de operare este format din mai multe programe fundamentale necesare calculatorului dumneavoastra astfel incat sa poata sa comunica si sa primeasca instructiuni de la utilizatori; sa citeasca si sa scrie date pe hard disk, benzi si imprimante; controleaza usajul memoriei si ruleaza alte programe. Cea mai importanta parte a unui sistem de operare este kernelul. Intr-un sistem GNU/Linux, Linux-ul este componenta kernel. Restu sistemului este alcatuit din alte programe, multe dintre ele fiind scrise de sau pentru proiectul GNU. Datorita faptului ca numai kernelul Linux nu poate forma un sistem de operare functionabil, noi preferam sa folosim termenul <quote>GNU/Linux</quote> cand ne referim la sistemele pe care multe persoane le denumesc in mod usual <quote>Linux</quote>..
Linux is modelled on the Unix operating system. From the start, Linux was designed to be a multi-tasking, multi-user system. These facts are enough to make Linux different from other well-known operating systems. However, Linux is even more different than you might imagine. In contrast to other operating systems, nobody owns Linux. Much of its development is done by unpaid volunteers.
Linux este modelat pe sistemul de operare UNIX. De la inceput, Linux a fost conceput sa fie un sistem multi-tasking si multi-user(pentru mai multi useri). Acesti factori sunt indeajunsi pentru a face Linux diferit de alte bine cunoscute sisteme de operare. Insa, Linux este mult mai diferit decat va puteti imagina. In comparatie cu alte sisteme de operare, nimeni nu detine Linux-ul. Cea mai mare parte a dezvoltarii lui este facuta de catre voluntari neplatiti.
While many groups and individuals have contributed to Linux, the largest single contributor is still the Free Software Foundation, which created not only most of the tools used in Linux, but also the philosophy and the community that made Linux possible.
In timp ce multe grupuri sau persoane au contribuit la Linux, cel mai mare si singur contribuitor ramane inca Fundatia Software-ului Gratuit, care a creat nu numai cele mai folosite unelte in Linux, ba chiar si philosofia si comunitatea care au dat nastere Linux-ului.
The <ulink url="&url-kernel-org;">Linux kernel</ulink> first appeared in 1991, when a Finnish computing science student named Linus Torvalds announced an early version of a replacement kernel for Minix to the Usenet newsgroup <userinput>comp.os.minix</userinput>. See Linux International's <ulink url="&url-linux-history;">Linux History Page</ulink>.
<ulink url="&url-kernel-org;">Kernel-ul Linux</ulink> a aparut prima data in 1991, cand un student Finlandez numit Linux Torvalds a anuntat
Linus Torvalds continues to coordinate the work of several hundred developers with the help of a few trusty deputies. An excellent weekly summary of discussions on the <userinput>linux-kernel</userinput> mailing list is <ulink url="&url-kernel-traffic;">Kernel Traffic</ulink>. More information about the <userinput>linux-kernel</userinput> mailing list can be found on the <ulink url="&url-linux-kernel-list-faq;">linux-kernel mailing list FAQ</ulink>.
LinuxsTorvalds continua sa coordoneze lucrarile catorva sute de dezvoltatori cu ajutorul catorva oameni de incredere. Un sumar excelent a discutiilor despre <userinput>kernelul-linux</userinput> este <ulink url="&url-kernel-traffic;">Kernel Traffic</ulink>.. Mai multe informatii despre <userinput>linux-kernel</userinput> mailing list pot fi gasite la <ulink url="&url-linux-kernel-list-faq;">linux-kernel mailing list FAQ</ulink>.
Linux users have immense freedom of choice in their software. For example, Linux users can choose from a dozen different command line shells and several graphical desktops. This selection is often bewildering to users of other operating systems, who are not used to thinking of the command line or desktop as something that they can change.
Utilizatorii de Linux au o incredibila putere de a-si alege software-ul. De exemplu, utilizatorii Linux pot sa aleaga dintre vreo 12 sisteme de comenzii de linii diferite si cateva desktop-uri grafice. Aceasta selectie este de obicei restrictionata utilizatorilor altor sisteme de operare, care nu sunt obisnuiti sa gandeasca la sistemul liniile de comanda sau desktop-ul ca pe ceva pe care il pot schimba.
Linux is also less likely to crash, better able to run more than one program at the same time, and more secure than many operating systems. With these advantages, Linux is the fastest growing operating system in the server market. More recently, Linux has begun to be popular among home and business users as well.
Linux are mult mai putine sanse sa cedeze, este mult mai capabil sa ruleze mai mult de un program in acelasi timp si mult mai sigur decat multe alte sisteme de operare. Cu aceste avantaje, Linux este sistemul de operare cu cea mai mare crestere de pe piata servere-lor. Recent, Linux a inceput sa fie popular si printre utilizatorii casnici sau de catre firme.
What is &debian;?
Ce este &debian?
The combination of Debian's philosophy and methodology and the GNU tools, the Linux kernel, and other important free software, form a unique software distribution called &debian;. This distribution is made up of a large number of software <emphasis>packages</emphasis>. Each package in the distribution contains executables, scripts, documentation, and configuration information, and has a <emphasis>maintainer</emphasis> who is primarily responsible for keeping the package up-to-date, tracking bug reports, and communicating with the upstream author(s) of the packaged software. Our extremely large user base, combined with our bug tracking system ensures that problems are found and fixed quickly.
Combinatia dintre filozofia si metodologia Debian, uneltele GNU, kernel-ul Linux si alte software-uri gratuite formeaza o distributie software numita &debian. Aceasta distributie este formata dintr-un numar mare de <emphasis>pachete</emphasis> software. Fiecare pachet din distreibutie contine executabile, scripturi, documentatie si informatii despre configurare si are un <emphasis>maintainer</emphasis> a carui principala responsabilitate este sa mentita pachetele la zi, sa urmareasca rapoartele de bug-uri si sa comunice cu autorului sau autorii pachetului soft. Baza de user extrem de larga combinata cu sistemul de urmarire al bug-urilor asigura gasirea si repararea rapida a problemelor.
Debian's attention to detail allows us to produce a high-quality, stable, and scalable distribution. Installations can be easily configured to serve many roles, from stripped-down firewalls to desktop scientific workstations to high-end network servers.
Atentia catre detaliu a lui Debian ne permite sa producem distributii de inalta calitate, stabile si mari. Instalarile pot fi usor configurate pentru a servi mai multor scopuri, de la simple firewall-uri pana la workstation-uri stiintifice la servere de retea high-end.
Debian is especially popular among advanced users because of its technical excellence and its deep commitment to the needs and expectations of the Linux community. Debian also introduced many features to Linux that are now commonplace.
Debian este popular in special printre utilizatorii avansati datorita calitatilor tehnice si a convingerii adanci catre nevoile si asteptarile comunitatii Linux. De asemenea Debian a introdus multe noutati Linux-ului care acum sunt folosite pretutindeni.
For example, Debian was the first Linux distribution to include a package management system for easy installation and removal of software. It was also the first Linux distribution that could be upgraded without requiring reinstallation.
De exemplu, Debian a fost prima distributie de Linux care a inclus un sistem de management al pachetelor pentru o usoara instalare si dezinstalare a software-ului. A fost de asemeni prima distributie care putea fi upgradata fara a fi necesara o reinstalare.
Debian continues to be a leader in Linux development. Its development process is an example of just how well the Open Source development model can work &mdash; even for very complex tasks such as building and maintaining a complete operating system.
Debian continua sa fie un lider in dezvoltarea Linux-ului. Procesor de dezvoltare este un exemplu de cat de bine modelul de dezvoltare Open Source poate lucra &mdash; chiar si pentru comenzi complicate precum construirea si intretinerea unui sistem de operare complet.
The feature that most distinguishes Debian from other Linux distributions is its package management system. These tools give the administrator of a Debian system complete control over the packages installed on that system, including the ability to install a single package or automatically update the entire operating system. Individual packages can also be protected from being updated. You can even tell the package management system about software you have compiled yourself and what dependencies it fulfills.
Calitatea care o distinge de alte distributii Linnux este sistemul de management al pachetelor. Aceste unelte ofera administratorului unui sistem Debian controlul total asupra pachetelor instalate pe acel siste, inclusiv capabilitatea de a instala un singur pachet sau de a updata automat intreg sistemul de operare. Pachetele individuale pot fi de asemenea protejate pentru a nu fi updatate. Poti de asemenea sa informezi sistemul de management al pachetelor despre software-ul pe care tu l-ai compilat si ce dependete indeplineste.
To protect your system against <quote>Trojan horses</quote> and other malevolent software, Debian's servers verify that uploaded packages come from their registered Debian maintainers. Debian packagers also take great care to configure their packages in a secure manner. When security problems in shipped packages do appear, fixes are usually available very quickly. With Debian's simple update options, security fixes can be downloaded and installed automatically across the Internet.
Pentru a va proteja sistemul impotriva <quote>Trojan horses</quote> si a altor softuri daunatoare, serverele Debian verifica daca pachetele uploadate provin de la ...............................
The primary, and best, method of getting support for your &debian; system and communicating with Debian Developers is through the many mailing lists maintained by the Debian Project (there are more than &num-of-debian-maillists; at this writing). The easiest way to subscribe to one or more of these lists is visit <ulink url="&url-debian-lists-subscribe;"> Debian's mailing list subscription page</ulink> and fill out the form you'll find there.
Primul si cea mai buna metoda de a obtine ajutor pentru sistemul dumneavoastra &debian si de a comunca cu dezvoltatorii Debian este prin lista de mailuri intretinuta de Poiectul Debian (exista mai mult de &num-of-debian-maillists in acest moment). Cea mai usoara metoda de a va abona la una sau mai multe dintre aceste liste este sa vizitati <ulink url="&url-debian-lists-subscribe;"> Debian's mailing list subscription page</ulink> si sa completati formularul pe care il veti gasi acolo.
Debian GNU/Hurd is a Debian GNU system that replaces the Linux monolithic kernel with the GNU Hurd &mdash; a set of servers running on top of the GNU Mach microkernel. The Hurd is still unfinished, and is unsuitable for day-to-day use, but work is continuing. The Hurd is currently only being developed for the i386 architecture, although ports to other architectures will be made once the system becomes more stable.
Debian GNU/Hurd este un sistem Debian GNU care inlocuieste monoliticul kernel Linux cu GNU Hurd &mdash; un set de servere ruland pe baza un microkernel GNU Mach. Hurd este inca neterminat si nu este potrivit pentru utilizarea zilnica, dar munca continua. Hurd este momentan dezvoltata pentru arhitectura i389, desi porturi catre alte arhitecturi o sa fie facute o data ce sistemul devine mai stabil.
For more information, see the <ulink url=""> Debian GNU/Hurd ports page</ulink> and the <email></email> mailing list.
Pentru mai multe informatii, vizitati pagina ulink url=""> Debian GNU/Hurd ports </ulink> si lista de mailuri <email></email>.
Getting Debian
Cum sa luati Debian
For information on how to download &debian; from the Internet or from whom official Debian CDs can be purchased, see the <ulink url="&url-debian-distrib;">distribution web page</ulink>. The <ulink url="&url-debian-mirrors;">list of Debian mirrors</ulink> contains a full set of official Debian mirrors, so you can easily find the nearest one.
Pentru mai multe informatii despre cum puteti downloada &debian; de pe internet sau de la care oficial Debian pot fi cumparate CD-uri, vizitati link-ul <ulink url="&url-debian-distrib;">distribution web page</ulink>. <ulink url="&url-debian-mirrors;"> Lista de oglinzi Debian</ulink> contine un set intreg de oglinzi oficiale Debian, pentru a va fi usor sa o gasiti pe cea mai apropiata de dumneavoastra.
Debian can be upgraded after installation very easily. The installation procedure will help set up the system so that you can make those upgrades once installation is complete, if need be.
Debian poate fi upgradat dupa instalare foarte usor. Procedura de instalare va va ajuta sa va setati sistemul, daca este nevoie, in asa fel incat sa puteti face acele upgrade-uri odata ce instalarea este terminata.
Getting the Newest Version of This Document
Downloadeaza cea mai noua versiune a acestui document
This document is constantly being revised. Be sure to check the <ulink url="&url-release-area;"> Debian &release; pages</ulink> for any last-minute information about the &release; release of the &debian; system. Updated versions of this installation manual are also available from the <ulink url="&url-install-manual;">official Install Manual pages</ulink>.
Acest document este in permanenta revizuit. Va sfatuim sa verificati link-ul <ulink url="&url-release-area;"> Debian &release; pages</ulink> pentru informatii de ultima ora legate de &release; Versiunea la zi a acestui manual de instalare este de asemenea disponibila la ulink url="&url-install-manual;">pagina oficiala a manualului de instalare</ulink>.
This document is meant to serve as a manual for first-time Debian users. It tries to make as few assumptions as possible about your level of expertise. However, we do assume that you have a general understanding of how the hardware in your computer works.
Acest document este menita sa serveasca drept manual pentru utilizatorii Debian noi. Se incearca sa se face niste presupuneri pe cat posibile legate de nivelul dumneavoastra de expertiza. Totusi, presupunem ca stiti deja cum functioneaza componentele din calculatorul dumneavoastra.
Expert users may also find interesting reference information in this document, including minimum installation sizes, details about the hardware supported by the Debian installation system, and so on. We encourage expert users to jump around in the document.
Chiar si utilizatorii cu experienta pot gasi informatii interesante din acest document, incluzand aici dimensiunile minime de instalare, detalii despre hardware-ul suportat de sistemul de instalare Debian si asa mai departe. Sfatuim utilizatorii experti sa treaca peste aceasta parte din document
In general, this manual is arranged in a linear fashion, walking you through the installation process from start to finish. Here are the steps in installing &debian;, and the sections of this document which correlate with each step:
In general, acest document este aranjat intr-un mod linear, parcurgand prin procesul de instalare de la inceput pana la sfarsit. Acestia sunt pasii pe care trebuie sa-i faceti pentru instalarea &debian;, si sectiunile din acest document care coreleaza cu fiecare pas.
Determine whether your hardware meets the requirements for using the installation system, in <xref linkend="hardware-req"/>.
Determinati daca calculatorul dumneavoastra intruneste toate cerintele sistemului de instalare, in <xref linkend="hardware-req"/>.
In <xref linkend="install-methods"/>, you will obtain the necessary installation files for your method of installation.
In <xref linkend="metode de instalare"/>, puteti obtine fisierele necesare instalarii pentru metoda dumneavoastra de instalare.
describes booting into the installation system. This chapter also discusses troubleshooting procedures in case you have problems with this step.
descrie bootarea in sistemul de instalare. In acest capitol se vor discuta procedurile de rezolvare a unor probleme in cazul in care intampinati vreuna in acest pas.
Once you've got your system installed, you can read <xref linkend="post-install"/>. That chapter explains where to look to find more information about Unix and Debian, and how to replace your kernel.
O data ce ati instalat sistemul, puteti citi <xref linkend="dupa-instalare"/>. Acel capitol explica unde sa cautati pentru a gasi mai multe informatii despre Unix si Debian, si cum sa va inlocuiti kernelul.
Finally, information about this document and how to contribute to it may be found in <xref linkend="administrivia"/>.
In sfarsit, informatii despre acest document si cum puteti sa contribuiti la el le puteti gasi la <xref linkend="administrivia"/>.
Any help, suggestions, and especially, patches, are greatly appreciated. Working versions of this document can be found at <ulink url="&url-d-i-alioth-manual;"></ulink>. There you will find a list of all the different architectures and languages for which this document is available.
Orice ajutor, sugestie, si mai ales, patch-uri sunt mult apreciate. Versiuni functionale ale acestui document pot fi gasite la <ulink url="&url-d-i-alioth-manual;"></ulink>. Acolo veti putea gasi o lista cu diferitele arhitectuti si limbi pentru care acest document este valabil.
About Copyrights and Software Licenses
Despre drepturile de autor si licentele software